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SP Flash Pro Full Version Windows Utorrent


This blog post is all about the newest version of SP Flash Tool, which has just been released. SP Flash Tool is a cross-platform utility for flashing or loading SPL (Samsung Phone Loader) firmware packages on Samsung mobile devices. It supports almost all mobile devices manufactured by Samsung which run TouchWiz/Samsung Experience system based on Android (including Google Nexus). SP Flash Tool v5.1343. 01 changes: Supported devices: (List might not be complete) Old devices: Note: The supported device list can be updated anytime as new mobile devices with SP Flash Tool support is released. Old devices that are no longer supported will be removed from this list. Please read SP Flash Tool FAQ for latest version and known issues before asking questions on the blog. SP Flash Tool v5.1343.01 has been released and can now be found in the Kies Store . It is also available from this download . The latest version of SP Flash Tool can be downloaded from here . This version of SP Flash Tool does not support Windows XP or Windows Vista. How to Update?The first step is to download the installer package that you have downloaded previously onto your computer. Once the package is on your computer, double click on it to run. It will allow you to choose between English or Korean. The second step, if the language option is not already selected, is to press the "Select" button. Once this option is selected, you will be directed to a screen that displays all of the installed packages on your device. If you have not already done so, please select the "Install" button to install/update all of the packages on your device. Lastly, to complete the installation process, press the "Finish" button. If you are having issues with updating your device, return to this page and follow the instructions listed here .SP Flash Tool 5.1343.01 can be used to copy or flash SPL packages on Samsung devices running Android 1.6-4.3 (Jelly Bean) and later versions of Android (Marshmallow). It can also be used to update SP Flash tool itself if needed. The latest version of SP Flash Tool v5.1343 will not work on Windows 7 or Windows 8 Pro platforms. Please use the older versions of SP Flash Tool for Windows 7 and 8. Warning: The following instructions will enable you to perform actions on your device that may result in data loss, corruption of your device's software or system files, damage to your device (software or hardware), brick (causes physical damage to your phone, loses all data/settings on phone, or gives you no functionality on phone at all) or other irreparable damage. By continuing with this guide you agree that you are familiar with the risks involved and make sure that what you are doing is right before proceeding further. If you do not agree with any of these risks, please stop reading immediately and proceed no further. 8eeb4e9f32 48


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